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Prototype of a parking, blueprint.jpg


Jityaashri Gurubaskaran

Here is what I envisions the page to search through all the parking lots would look like and what it would look like if you clicked on one of them.

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Kyle McConeghy

This is the prototype that I created that gives some insight into the functionality of the parking availability features on the map. Specifically, I included different colors to represent the availability of different lots across campus as well as the exact number of open spots in each of those lots. Availability colors: Red - low, Yellow - mid, and Green - high

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Anna Craun

This is the low-fidelity prototype I've created, which includes a home screen and a map screen to be used for our app. The home screen allows users to go to the map screen, check general parking avaiablity, or view their most frequented lots. Through their phone location, the map screen users where they are, and displays nearby parking lots with status bars to show their capacity.


Mohammed Saleem

A map that allows a user to quickly see what lots have open spaces and their restrictions.

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Becca Godfrey

This is the prototype I made to give users an interactive map experience. This allows for users to select any parking lot, and see live updates of the lot's parking availability using an easy to understand visual representation.

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Namisa M'Bayo

This is the low-fidelity prototype I created for parking spot reservation. It offers users a smooth reservation experience and with a simple click on a button, users can  confirm their parking reservation, complete with real-time updates and visual feedback on spot availability.


Final Prototype

Modern Architecture
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